How was the project conducted?

The findings of the project are presented in this Knowledge Hub. The Hub is aimed at three main audiences:

  • Almshouse residents
  • Staff
  • Senior staff and trustees

as well as anyone interested in how we can make communities and society in general more resilient.

What does the Hub consist of?

The Hub presents 30 themes of relevance to resilience in almshouse communities. The System Map (hosted on shows the themes and some of the connections between them.

Each theme is presented as:

  • A bullet point summary
  • Brief Learning Points for Resilience
  • Related Themes
  • Description of the theme
  • Additional information

The Knowledge Hub can be read by skimming the Summary and Learning Points, or for more detail,  reading the Description and Additional Information and following the links to Related Themes.

In addition, there are five Case Studies on topics of specific importance for resilience. In some of the Case Studies, we have provided examples of innovation from our charity partners.

For more information on almshouse charities, see The Almshouse Association which supports and represents almshouse charities across the UK. 


All references to legal or regulatory requirements relate to English law and regulations. Our data collection was done in England and over 99% of almshouse charities are in England. Different laws and regulations may apply in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

The Knowledge Hub is not a definitive source for legal or regulatory information.

All photos of individuals included in the Knowledge Hub are stock photos (free access). No photos of actual residents, staff or trustees are included. Photos of places are a mix of those taken by the project team during data collection and stock images. We are very grateful to the Centre for Ageing Better for their excellent resource of age-positive photos.

How to cite

Callahan, E., Murtagh, N., Pannell, J. & Pooley, A. (2024) The Knowledge Hub on Resilience in Almshouse Communities.